Nik Wheeler

Nik Wheeler ( first worked for Aramco World and Saudi Aramco World in the 1970's. illustrating some 20 articles as well as special issues on Central Asia, China and the Silk Roads. His book "The Most Beautiful Villages and Towns of the Pacific Northwest" was published in 2011.

Articles by Nik Wheeler

The World's Fastest Scientist

The World's Fastest Scientist

Born in the Nile Delta, Ahmed Zewail became the first scientist to record molecules while they were undergoing chemical reactions that take place in a few millions of a billionth of a second. This established the field of femtochemistry and earned him the 1991 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In November 2009, he was appointed one of the first three US Science Envoys to the Middle East, and he passed away on August 2, 2016.
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