Jane Waldron Grutz

Jane Waldron Grutz is a former staff writer for Saudi Aramco who now divides her time between Houston and London. She is a regular contributor to AramcoWorld.

Articles by Jane Waldron Grutz

The Hidden Treasures of Nubia

The Hidden Treasures of Nubia

To the south of ancient Egypt, there was another civilization, at times a rival, at times a vassal, and always a source for coveted gold: Nubia, which rose to its peak of conquest 2,700 years ago when its king, Piye, sailed an army down the Nile.
Texting Cuneiform

Texting Cuneiform

The world’s first palm-sized tablets were made of clay, and they had enough surface for only a few wedge-shaped impressions of a reed stylus. That was how students in Sumer—all boys—learned to write cuneiform. Those who did well could upgrade to bigger clay and go into accounting, law or literature.
Iraq's First Archeologist

Iraq's First Archeologist

Hormuzd Rassam was 19 years old to help with excavations. Soon he began to uncover long-forgotten palaces–temples at Nimrud and later at Nineveh, splendors of first-millennium-BCE Assyrian kings.
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