Kay Hardy Campbell


A former resident of Saudi Arabia, freelancer Kay Hardy Campbell writes often about Middle Eastern culture.

Articles by Kay Hardy Campbell

Record, Remix, Repeat

Record, Remix, Repeat

For more than 10 years, Moroccan native and New York resident Hatim Belyamani has focused his non-profit Remix⟷Culture on offering digital sample and remix tools that give exposure and preserve access for traditional acoustic music around the world.
Prince of Enchantment: The Oud

Prince of Enchantment: The Oud

Often regarded as the forerunner and name- sake of the European lute, the ‘ud (oud), is among the world’s oldest continuously played string instruments. In Arab and other musical traditions, its deeply resonant, emotionally evocative tones earned it, over the centuries, the sobriquet amir al-tararb.
Tarab and the Art of Music

Tarab and the Art of Music

Beyond virtuosity, Arab musical esthetics enjoin musicians to elicit an emotionally charged and frequently interactive relationship between musician and audience called tarab, using instruments from voices and hands to woodwinds, strings and percussion.
The Gown That Steals Your Heart

The Gown That Steals Your Heart

Elegantly designed in almost as many patterns as there are regions of the Arabian Peninsula, the amply cut, flowing, colorful and often elaborate women’s thobe—a word that means “garment” in Arabic—is enjoying a fashion revival.
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