David W. Tschanz
David W. Tschanz has advanced degrees in history and epidemiology. Before his retirement in 2012, he had worked for Saudi Aramco Medical Services in Dhahran for more than two decades, and he has been a frequent contributor to AramcoWorld on the history of medieval Islamic science. He lives in Venice, Florida.
Articles by this author
The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital
By the mid-ninth century, more than 30 bimaristans—centers for treating illness and injury—were working from the Arab Middle East to Persia in the east and Al-Andalus in the west. Dedicated to the empirical pursuit of wellness, their design, organization and goals were much the same as those of hospitals today.The Islamic Roots of Modern Pharmacy
Science & Nature
Testing, producing and refining from as early as the seventh century CE, alchemists in the Middle East who championed empirical methods developed, over some 500 years, the foundations of chemistry, pharmacology and the modern drugstore.